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Rebecca Morgan image on a billboard

"The world is a strange place, full of a diverse range of people. Nobody quite fits into one box, as much as advertising professionals would love that. This week's piece by Rebecca Morgan is a sort of beacon, a shout out to those liberals feminist dudes who don't "look like" liberal feminist dudes. It's also, for us at Art in Ad Places, a bit of a nod to our friends at Resistance Is Female, who have also been installing some great ad takeovers this year.

Morgan told us, "As an artist and human, I find that I am often stopped in my tracks or left considering an image, experience or interaction just by paying attention and being present, looking around and synthesizing my surroundings; it is often the impetus for my art and can inform or change my perspective. I was happy to use Feminist Mountain Man for this project, as it is my hope that encountering this image as a surprise and as an unexpected image might be that catalyst for others, or offer a moment of repose, humor or relief from the often unrelenting cultural and personal cerebral froth that exists on a daily basis. I made this portrait with the thought and hope that someone from the rural, where I grew up, could maintain aspects of their rural identity and also be open minded and supportive of other ideas. A dream neighbor. I hope dream neighbors will become more of a reality for myself, the nation and the world."

Dream neighbors. Across border and stereotypes. What an idea... This time last year, we were getting ready to launch Art in Ad Places. We'd told the artists and our friends it was coming. But then the election hit us like a ton of bricks, and we decided it best to delay. It's been an insane time for this country. Let's just hope that Rebecca's dream becomes a reality. A few feminist mountain men out there might help us all bridge some deep divides."

-Art in Ad Places, Photograph by Luna Park